7th World Cancer Congress - 2022 | Bangalore
About Us

Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics, a publication of Arjyopa, is a peer-reviewed online journal. The journal’s full text is available online at http://www.jcrt.org The journal allows free access (Open Access) to its contents and permits authors to self-archive final accepted version of the articles on any OAI-compliant institutional / subject-based repository.
Scope of the Journal
The journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of Medical oncology, radiation oncology, medical imaging, radiation protection, non-ionising radiation, radiobiology. Articles with clinical interest and implications will be given preference.
While advertisements are crucial to this journal to be able to keep all content free for everyone, ethical considerations are in place to ensure the integrity of the journal and its content:
  • "Pop-up" and "banner" ads appear on a random, rotating basis. The advertiser has no control or input over the pages where their ads appear.
  • The Editorial Board has full and final approval over the content of all advertisements.
  • Advertisers will never be shown any manuscripts or other content prior to publication.
Open Access Article
All articles published open access will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download. We offer authors a choice of user licenses, which define the permitted reuse of articles. Authors can share their research in a variety of different ways and Elsevier has a number of green open access options available. We recommend authors see our green open access page for further information. An author can also self-archive their author manuscript immediately and enable public access from their institution's repository after an embargo period. This is the version that has been accepted for publication and which typically includes author-incorporated changes suggested during submission, peer review and in editor-author communications.

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Cancers | An Open Access Journal from Arjyopa